We have established interaction between a prototype of the monitor done in processing and Arduino controller by means of serial communication. Turning the potentiometer now allows to communicate across a series of squares that are representative of the LEDs that we will have around the mirror.
We’ve acquired slightly bigger potentiometer, it worked better than the standard one that came with the Arduino kit but after some play we came to the conclusion that for longer play sessions and increased precision we will need to get an even bigger one.
Also beginning to think about the housing of the unit and what methods we might explore for making it such as 3D printing, laser cutting or making with physical tools in a workshop. So far we leaning towards 3D printing as we are eager to try out the newly taught technology and we would have more flexibility in terms of design options but may be limited in terms of time and sturdiness of the structure.
Finally we now have a sheet of glass that’s about a meter high and a little but under in width, we now need to find a way to cut it to suit our project.
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